Sep 122014

MANILA, Philippines — Clichés may be overrated, but these phrases save you from that awkward moment when you just cannot verbalize what you really wanted to say.

Clichés are always there whenever we want to make an excuse. Take for example when you just broke up with someone. Your friends will always tell you this – “You can’t love someone else until you love yourself.”

These aren’t just words told to console you or make you stop from wallowing. Psychological science says that people with higher self-esteem tend to have higher-quality marriages, reporting more trust and intimacy that people with lower self-esteem. So you literally have to love yourself before having a successful relationship with someone.

You may not know it, but here are some of the most over used clichés, which are actually true whether you like it or not:

“You learn from your mistakes”

Wish there is a button that says “press me” whenever you are about to make the mistake you already did? Well, human brains already do. A study at the University of Exeter, which was published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, found out that the lower temporal region of a human brain sends out a “warning signal” before you could register a conscious though whenever you are about to repeat a past mistake. Amazingly, this process only takes 0.1 seconds.

That does not mean through that you would automatically stop what you are about to do, but at least part of your brain did its job.

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“You make your own luck”

A research conducted by Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire found out that unlucky people are generally more anxious and rigid, which disrupts their ability to notice and capitalize on new opportunities.

According to his book The Luck Factor, “most fortunate people actually make their own luck by being observant and open to change, by putting faith in their intuition, and by having a resilient, optimistic attitude that helps them convert tough breaks into new opportunities.”

“Your nose literally heats up when you lie”

Using thermography, researchers at University of Granada found the temperature of your nose (and nearby orbital muscles) rises when you lie.

According to the study, when we lie about our feelings, the temperature around our nose raises and a brain element called “insula” is activated. The insula is a component of the brain reward system, and it only activates when we experience real feelings (called “qualias”). This is called Pinocchio effect in science

“Love makes you sick”

Research from Syracuse University found out that your brain is flooded with a neurotransmitters including the “love hormone” oxytocin that boost your mood and give you that rush and happiness when you fall in love with someone.

Dr. Helen Fisher, author of “Why Him, Why Her?” and a leading love researcher at Rutgers University said those brain chemicals would make it hard for you to eat, sleep, or concentrate. Fisher also found out that people who were madly in love showed activity in part of the insular cortex of the brain, which is linked with fear and anxiousness. This may result to chest pressure, panick attacts, and nausea.chest pressure, and physical sickness, shows a Rutgers University Study.

“I am washing my hands out of this”

Remember how you always say this phrase whenever you have done something bad? Studies say that handwashing makes people literally clean and emotionally clean. The researchers call it the “Macbeth effect.”

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