Jul 262016

By Christopher Lloyd T. Caliwan

President Rodrigo R. Duterte warns that he will not allow any hindrance to programs that will uplift the lives of the Filipinos, during his first State of the Nation Address at Batasang Pambansa on July 25. (MNS photo)

President Rodrigo R. Duterte warns that he will not allow any hindrance to programs that will uplift the lives of the Filipinos, during his first State of the Nation Address at Batasang Pambansa on July 25. (MNS photo)

MANILA (PNA) – President Rodrigo Duterte said on Monday that he will make use of the entire government resources to fight the war against illegal drugs.

“In this quest I’ll put at stake my honor, my life and my presidency itself. There will be no let up in this campaign . Double your efforts. Triple them, if need be. We will not stop until the last drug lord, the last financier, and the last pusher have surrendered or put behind bars, or below the ground, if they so wish, ” Duterte said in his first State of the Nation Address (SONA).

The Chief Executive also said that he would support all the way the Philippine National Police (PNP) to eliminate illegal drugs in the country.

“To police officers, or PNP officials, do your job and you will have unwavering support of Office of President, I will be with you all the way,” he noted.

However, Duterte warned police official and local officials not to abuse their authority.

“Abuse your authority, and there will be a hell to pay, for you will have become worse than criminality itself. I order Napolcom to conduct investigation and adjudication of administrative cases involved in criminal activities and illegal activities and prescribe lifestyle check for PNP members,” said Duterte.

He also ordered the DILG to strictly monitor how local government units (LGUs) perform, and supervise over police; those found not performing would be sanctioned, including the lost deputation from the Napolcom.

He noted that he will create inter agency committee on illegal drugs that integrates efforts and strengthens the partnership and stakeholders in mobilizing information campaign against drug use and dissemination information regarding drug rehabilitation program being offered by the government.

For his part, PNP Chief Director General Ronaldo “Bato” Dela Rosa said that it gave more pressure to the PNP but would deliver.

“We are inspired to work and triple our efforts because the PNP has backing and support of the Chief Executive,” Dela Rosa told PNA in a text message sent.

Dela Rosa earlier said that they already anticipated that the President’s first SONA would be the most peaceful since militants group pledge support to the administration.

”This is the first time the police do not feel threatened, relax na relax po yung kapulisan naitn. Traditionally, rallies are only limited along Commonwealth (Avenue), road block natin yung isang bahagi but ngayon we allowed them to get inside Batasan road, totally along Commonwealth, walang traffic problem so doon sa sila sa loob, around 300 meters ng Batasan,” Dela Rosa said.

It can be recalled that the PNP deployed 11,000 cops in the stretch of Batasan complex to provide security measure.

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