Armando Bartolome I have been in the business for more than 20 years, and one thing that I love about my work is being able to meet other people who have inspired me and taught me important lessons about entrepreneurship. How does an entrepreneur make his business flourish among other businesses? Here are a few things I’ve learned. Growth Hack #1 Know your products and services I am sure there was a time you approached a salesperson only to find out that he knew little about what he was selling. That is definitely a no-no in business. Entrepreneurs should know every facet of their business. Even if you have a great team working for you, you should still know what is done in every department. Knowledge is POWER! When people ask what you’re offering, you should be able to tell them exactly what your product or service is. This way, you can encourage them to try it. Read Related Story: 7 Sacrifices Successful Entrepreneurs Make Today for Financial Freedom Tomorrow Growth Hack #2 Be careful with your words It can either build you or destroy you. You may be a funny person who likes to joke around, but when it comes to business, speak to others in a way that that will make them listen and understand your message. Be straightforward. But also be careful lest you come off as sarcastic, proud or offensive. Read Related Story: Grow Your Investment by Growing Your Patience Growth Hack #3 Train your employees Read More …