THE Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) is set to “confirm” an order requiring distribution utility Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) to refund to electricity consumers P6.9 billion in over-recoveries for the past three years.
Every second Sunday of May, we mark a celebration for one of the most important persons in our lives, our mothers. “Mother’s Day” has become a global celebration and despite celebrating it on different dates depending on the country, this celebration has but one goal… to honor mothers and to acknowledge their influence on society.
THE VOLUME of cargo passing through the country’s ports grew 4.15% year on year in the first quarter, the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) reported, mainly due to increasing trade and the growing economy but tempered by the mining industry crackdown.
METALS production rose 5.20% year on year by value in the first three months of the year amid improved gold output and rising prices obtained for mixed nickel-cobalt sulfide, according to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB).
THE Board of Investments (BoI) has approved the application for incentives of Ahya Coco Organic Food Manufacturing Corp’s P391 million coconut processing plant in Davao City.
AUTO SALES rose modestly year on year in April, and retreated from their month-earlier totals, car and truck manufacturers said in a statement Monday.
TRADE OFFICIALS from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and their six free-trade partners are meeting this week to arrive at crucial “commitments” to move closer to the conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
A lot has been going on with respect to tax reform. Some tax rates are proposed for adjustment, while some tax exemptions face removal, among other expected changes. One thing that taxpayers can assume to remain constant — the right of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) to audit them. And the very idea of a “BIR audit” can be the source of much stress. In the medical context, stress is a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Medical studies show that unnecessary worries result in self-inflicted stress. This means that there are instances where we, ourselves, primarily contribute to our own anxieties. Now, how about when we face a BIR audit? How are we supposed to react to specific situations to avoid this self-inflicted stress? You may want to consider the following:
THE SHORTAGE of skilled construction workers that is expected to hinder projects associated with the government’s infrastructure drive is being addressed to ensure that any delays will only be minimal, with limits on the overseas deployment of workers with the required skills under study.
YOKOHAMA, JAPAN — The Asian Development Bank (ADB) yesterday capped here the 50th meeting of its Board of Governors — themed: “Building Together the Prosperity of Asia” — with a commitment to strengthen efforts to develop infrastructure and make economic expansion more inclusive, as well as an agreement among some members to collectively fortify resilience in the face of growing uncertainty.