Aug 312015

The Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) has decided and Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) companies have accepted that they will be paying regular corporate income tax on the sale of scrap material. This change in interpretation came about after the CTA in division issued its decision in the case of Nidec Copal Philippines Corp. (Nidec), a PEZA-registered enterprise, and which was affirmed by the CTA en banc in 2008. Prior to this case, the BIR has been ruling that income from sale of scrap arising from the registered activity is subject to the same tax regime as the registered activity.

Aug 312015
1 in 8 California high school students has dropped out since 2010 U.S. Bureau September 1st, 2015 02:12 AM PALO ALTO, California — Of the California students who entered high school in 2010, 12 percent, or one in every eight, dropped out before graduation, according to the most recent figures available on of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health. Twelve percent is high, but dropout rates among students from some racial/ethnic backgrounds are even higher. Rates among African American and American Indian students are nearly double the state average—at about 20 percent, or one in five students, according to 2014 data. Latino and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students, as well as English learners, youth in foster care and special education students, also have high rates of non-completion. Research shows that students who drop out of high school are more likely to struggle with employment, live in poverty, have poor health and engage in criminal activity than those with higher education levels. Society also faces associated costs in terms of increased spending on public assistance and lower tax revenues. In California, students dropping out of high school cost the state an estimated $46 billion annually. Students don’t finish high school for a variety of reasons. Risk factors include behavioral problems, suspension and course failure. Underlying causes for these factors may be related to chronic health or mental health conditions, poverty and other issues. Children at risk of poor educational outcomes can be identified early and supported to stay engaged in school. School-based health services can address student health issues and promote Read More …

Aug 272015
Balikbayan box controversy

Despite strong public indignation over the implementation of a new “draconian” policy to be adopted by the Bureau of Customs (BOC) regarding balikbayan boxes, President Aquino appears to be firm in his decision to execute the controversial scheme. In his recent speech he made in Cebu, President Aquino made a flimsy excuse of implementing the controversial and unpopular BOC plan in an effort to curb “technical smuggling” in the country. He told his yellow ribbon fanatics in Cebu to give BOC personnel a chance to do its job, which at the moment has been put on hold. The government is claiming that it is losing P600 million a year to untaxed imports through “balikbayan boxes.” However, a study conducted by Global Financial Integrity is showing that the Aquino administration losses in revenue through balikbayan boxes  was minimal compared to the estimated $3.85 billion lost to smuggling in the country. Once implemented, the new BOC plan as approved by President Aquino will allow corrupt customs personnel to start doing random checks on all the contents of all balikbayan boxes entering the country and to tax those exceeding $500,00 in value. The new BOC policy reflects on President Aquino’s insensitivity and callousness toward hardworking and often abused OFWs. This President is the most heartless, uncaring and unforgiving President I have ever known. He is much, much worse than former President Ferdinand Marcos. At least Marcos allowed Senator Ninoy Aquino to fly to the United States to have a heart bypass surgery to Read More …

Aug 272015
Record 100k visitors get 'Taste of Manila' in Toronto

Occupying a 1.3 kilometer stretch of Bathurst Street, the two-day celebration of Filipino culture, cuisine and entertainment is now being touted as the biggest gathering of Filipinos in Canada. Facebook/Taste of Manila MANILA, Philippines — A record number of visitors attended the second annual “Taste of Manila” on August 22 and 23 at so-called “Little Manila” of Toronto, the Department of Foreign Affairs said. Occupying a 1.3 kilometer stretch of Bathurst Street, the two-day celebration of Filipino culture, cuisine and entertainment is now touted as the biggest gathering of Filipinos in Canada for a street festival. The Toronto City Government estimates that 100,000 people of different nationalities attended the event. Actor Jericho Rosales greets fans at “Taste of Manila 2015” in Toronto, Canada. Facebook/Taste of Manila Aside from Philippine officials, Canadian public figures also graced the event, including Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, Federal Senator Tobias Enverga, Canadian Finance Minister Joe Oliver, MP Mark Adler and MPPs John Carmichael and Laurie Scott. Political hopefuls for the upcoming federal election in October, including Michael Levitt and Marco Mendicino, likewise took advantage of mammoth crowds to touch base with the electorate. Lifestyle Feature ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: Toronto Mayor John Tory addressed the crowd with the heartening news that the process is under way at City Hall to rename the park in the Wilson-Bathurst section as “Manila City Park.” “Taste of Manila” was organized by the Philippine Cultural Community Centre with the support of the Philippine Consulate General in Toronto. Read More …

Aug 262015
From Karen’s Kitchen with love

“I’m wonderful when I let Jesus be in charge,” says Karen Young, owner of Karen’s Kitchen in Pasig. Karen Young is one of the pioneers in the pastry business and was one of the first — if not the first — to offer red velvet cake, which up to today is one of her bestsellers. She has a cookie version of it and it is a must-try, if you have not tried it yet. Recently, she expanded her offerings to include savory food so now you can have a complete dining experience, from appetizer to dessert. Karen now has a new home in Pasig, a home just like in a fairytale, which you shouldn’t miss. “I like the TV show Little House on the Prairie,” shares Karen, adding that this is where she got her inspiration for the new Karen’s Kitchen. Her friend, Joi Santos Cutter, interpreted her vision and designed the place and its interiors. It is the warm and cozy interiors that will make you want to enjoy the food and ambiance with friends and family. You will be surrounded by photos, quotes and an assortment of pieces she collected during her travels. All her dishes are so well thought out and every dish is so pretty, just like her. You will see a lot of hearts — heart-shaped dinnerware and heart-shaped food made with a lot of love. I go to a restaurant to have a good meal and that is what I came for when I visited Karen’s Read More …

Aug 262015
Healthy inside out

MANILA, Philippines – Among today’s showbiz celebrities, Regine Tolentino ranks high among the list of age-defiers — the elite few whose youthful looks and lithe physiques make it look like they’ve stumbled upon the secret to immortality. Unlike her much younger contemporaries who have all succumbed to “going under the knife” to hack away at those unsightly fats and unwanted pounds, Regine can only shake her head at such shortcuts, which only provide short-term results. In her book, real wellness — and the beauty that springs forth from it — comes from within. A stickler for the all-natural approach to fitness, Regine’s success story is a testament to the benefits of a healthy diet, regular exercise, a happy disposition and a harmonious family relationship, which have made her the best choice for her latest endorsement for Organique, a nutritional drink derived from the Acai (pronounced ah-sah-ee) berry originally found in the Amazon jungles, which has been recently touted for its miraculous health benefits. “It was my brother and his group of martial artist friends who first told me about this Acai berry,” Regine recalls. She adds, “And it was serendipitous that the Organique people approached me during an event last year, where they encouraged me to try it. And because I loved the results, I’d always tell my friends about it. I guess that’s when they realized that I’d make the perfect endorser, along with Ms. Cory Quirino, another tireless health and beauty advocate.” Entertainment ( Article MRec ), pagematch: Read More …

Aug 242015
Typhoon Ineng’s death toll rises to 9

A boy runs as heavy rains and high waves brought by tropical storm Egay crash along a breakwater in Baseco, Tondo in Manila on Monday. Storm warnings were issued in at least 14 areas as Egay, carrying maximum wind gusts of 100 km per hour, moved slowly across the Luzon island. (MNS photo) MANILA (Mabuhay) — Four more people have been confirmed killed in landslides in Benguet province as Typhoon Ineng lashed areas in Northern Luzon with heavy rains and strong winds, increasing the total number of fatalities to nine. Benguet Governor Nestor Pongwan said live-in partners Noli Galidan, 21 and Nova Mae Tuazon were confirmed killed in a landslide incident that happened early Saturday in Barangay Bulalacao, Mankayan town. Two more new fatalities were confirmed by the governor identified as Glen Baldasan and Michael Lagasan, who were killed in a landslide in Barangay Cabiten, also in Mankayan town. The governor said that he received a report that several shanties or temporary shelters of small-scale miners in another village in Mankayan town were also hit by a landslide. Pongwan said he is still confirming from barangay officials if the shanties were being occupied by miners when hit by the landslide. In its 11 p.m. Friday bulletin, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council reported that a total of five people were confirmed killed during the onslaught of Ineng in Northern Luzon. Three of the five fatalities were also killed in landslides in Benguet. They were identified as siblings Eric Read More …

Aug 232015
Drinking coffee could prevent colon cancer’s return: study

©Artem & Olga Sapegin/ (Miami-AFP) – Drinking four or more cups of caffeinated coffee daily may significantly reduce the chance that colon cancer will return in patients who were diagnosed with stage III of the disease, a study said Monday. The study involved about 1,000 patients, all of whom had undergone surgery and chemotherapy for stage III colon cancer. Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Center in Boston found that the greatest benefit was seen in those who drank four or more cups of coffee a day, for about 460 milligrams of caffeine. “These patients were 42 percent less likely to have their cancer return than non-coffee drinkers, and were 33 percent less likely to die from cancer or any other cause,” said the study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Those who drank two to three cups of coffee daily experienced a “more modest benefit, while little protection was associated with one cup or less.” The researchers found the lowered risks of recurrence and death were specifically tied to the caffeine in coffee rather than other coffee components. Stage III disease means that the colon cancer has been found in the lymph nodes near the original tumor site, but not elsewhere in the body. Lead author Charles Fuchs, director of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Center at Dana-Farber, said these patients have about a 35 percent chance of the cancer coming back after treatment. Most recurrences happen within five years of treatment. “We found that coffee drinkers had a lower risk of the Read More …

Aug 232015
Wally Bayola multiplied

The varied characters played by Wally on Eat, Bulaga!, from a self-made duktora to an over-protective grandmother to a flirtatious English-speaking girl named Duhrizz who has a crush on Alden Richards (shown below with Wally as Lola Nidora and her nanny Yaya Dub)— PHOTOS FROM THE EAT, BULAGA! FACEBOOK AlDub Nation was relieved…rejoicing! The highly-touted YaKie wedding of the reluctant Divina Ursula Bokbokova Smash (a.k.a. Yaya Dub) and Frankie Amoy Arenoli (played by Jose Manalo) was aborted because the pastor was exposed to be an impostor and the doctor was a charlatan as well, promised money by Lola Nidora to diagnose her as a terminal case so she could extort P51,500M from Frankie.  Alden Richards was relieved, too. He wiped his tears (“They were real!” assured Joey de Leon, one of the Eat, Bulaga! hosts) and swapped flying kisses with Yaya Dub. Expect the AlDub long-distance/split-screen romance to continue until it hits happily-ever-after. Off-screen, the one laughing the hardest could be Wally Bayola whose career has gotten an unexpected second wind with his evolving character (starting with a doctor who dished out tips from a self-made medical booklet) in the Problem-Solving portion of the noontime show’s peripatetic segment Juan For All, All For Juan. Isn’t Wally confused playing those multiplied all-female characters? Entertainment ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 “Sometimes I do,” Wally told Funfare, “especially sa boses. They would remind me, ‘Hoy, hindi ka si duktora, si Lola Nidora ka.’ We just laugh about it.” Added to Read More …