Associated Press 2:46 pm | Tuesday, August 6th, 2013 MANILA, Philippines—Immigration authorities have detained a Dutch activist photographed confronting a police officer during a rally last month against President Benigno Aquino III, a lawyer said. Lawyer Rey Cortez said airport immigration staff prevented Thomas van Beersum from boarding his plane to the Netherlands early Tuesday. Cortez said his 20-year-old client was just being harassed by requiring him to obtain a “clearance” to leave the country. Beersum has said in an open letter that he joined left-wing demonstrators because he was outraged by alleged human rights violations in the country, including the killing of a Dutch aid worker last year. Many Filipinos have denounced Beersum for interfering in Philippine affairs. Spokesmen for the Bureau of Immigration and the Dutch Embassy could not be reached for comment. Follow Us Recent Stories: Complete stories on our Digital Edition newsstand for tablets, netbooks and mobile phones; 14-issue free trial. About to step out? Get breaking alerts on your mobile.phone. Text ON INQ BREAKING to 4467, for Globe, Smart and Sun subscribers in the Philippines. Tags: Activist , Bureau of Immigration , Police , rally Factual errors? Contact the Philippine Daily Inquirer’s day desk. Believe this article violates journalistic ethics? Contact the Inquirer’s Reader’s Advocate. Or write The Readers’ Advocate: