by : Attorney Henry Moyal MOYAL & MOYAL Canadian Immigration Lawyers (screenshot courtesy of www.moyal.com) It was only a few months ago that the Saskatchewan International Skilled Worker Category was announced and listed two hundred occupations in demand in Canada that did not require a job offer to qualify. Unfortunately, that program was restricted to only 250 applicants and it now closed. However, Canada Immigration has just announced a new program that is effective March 2014 and which does not appear to have a designated quota. It should be noted that the government reserves the right to close the program at any time and without notice. Under the new program applicants must be willing to relocate to Canada and become permanent residents. THE PROGRAM IS NOT FOR EMPLOYMENT. THE PROGRAM IS NOT A RECRUITMENT FOR JOBS AND IS FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO IMMIGRATE TO CANADA ONLY. The program requirements are: Applicant must be between the ages of 21 and 55. Applicants do not require an offer of employment or job offer. Applicants must have completed high school and obtained a certificate or degree of at least one year after high school. Applicants do not require to have a relative living in Canada. Applicants must have “medium” proficiency in the English language. Applicants do not need to be fluent in English or French Applicants are able to include their spouse, partner and dependant Must have a minimum of two years of work experience in the last five years to apply. The work experience must be in one of the following Read More …