MANILA, Philippines – Two South Korean companies that have already been sourcing corn silage from the Philippines are interested in building feed mills in the Philippines, Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala said.
Alcala said the companies are encouraged to build feed manufacturing facilities in the country because of the availability of various feed ingredients in local farms.
“They are willing to invest in a location and machinery so they can mix feeds here. We have also copra meal, coconut oil and fish meal. This will enable them to save in the manufacturing process and they would also earn income from that,” he said.
Alcala declined to identify the companies pending the finalization of talks for the investment.
In April last year, the Philippines sent an initial shipment of 24 metric tons (MT) of corn silage for cattle to Busan, South Korea, which was part of the 15,000 of silage shipment valued at P75 million for export until December 2013.
Exporting corn silage is seen to increase farmers’ income by 20 percent.
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Silage is made by harvesting forage crops such as corn, legumes and various kinds of grass at early maturity. These are then chopped finely and stored in silos to ferment. The resulting product is a sour-smelling, succulent feed for cattle.
Silage is a preferred cattle feed because it is highly digestible and has good nutritional value.
The preparation is also easily mechanized and ingredients are easily to source.