Feb 032016
Roxanne “Rock N Roll” Cai

Roxanne “Rock N Roll” Cai

WASHINGTON, D.C – Recognizing the milestone 50 represents, AARP recently launched “Fearless at 50,” a campaign to celebrate real people who are challenging outdated perceptions of what it means to be 50 and over. The campaign features real people boldly trying new things or just feeling good about who they are in video vignettes.

Roxanne “Rock N Roll” Cai co-founded The Initiative, a group working to fight crime, help the needy, and make the San Francisco Bay Area a safer place – all dressed as superheroes. The volunteer group organizes food and clothing drives, used needle-pickups, and street patrols.

“We are activists who sometimes wear costumes. Our tagline is we try to save the world one deed at a time,” said Cai, who immigrated to the U.S. from Manila when she was two years old. “When I joined this Real Life Super Hero community, I knew that there was a big emphasis on costumes, and that was very appealing to me. It’s fun to dress up in costumes and in masks and capes!”

“Passing age 50 is often a big transition for people,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy. “We need to change the way we think about getting older. People 50-plus have life experiences that enrich their lives and expand their possibilities. We encourage people to be fearless about aging, and we celebrate individuals like Roxanne who are maximizing their lives to the fullest.”

AARP is also running an interactive Fearless at 50 Sweepstakes with a grand prize of $50,000, which will be active until February 29, 2016. To learn more and view Cai’s Fearless at 50 video, visit: www.aarp.org/fearless50.

 About AARP

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of nearly 38 million, that helps people turn their goals and dreams into real possibilities, strengthens communities and fights for the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare, employment and income security, retirement planning, affordable utilities and protection from financial abuse. We advocate for individuals in the marketplace by selecting products and services of high quality and value to carry the AARP name as well as help our members obtain discounts on a wide range of products, travel, and services.  A trusted source for lifestyle tips, news and educational information, AARP produces AARP The Magazine, the world’s largest circulation magazine; AARP Bulletin;www.aarp.org; AARP TV & Radio; AARP Books; and AARP en Español, a Spanish-language website addressing the interests and needs of Hispanics. AARP does not endorse candidates for public office or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates.  The AARP Foundation is an affiliated charity that provides security, protection, and empowerment to older persons in need with support from thousands of volunteers, donors, and sponsors. AARP has staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Learn more at www.aarp.org.


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