Sep 082016

Protesters stage a “die-in” to dramatize the rising number of extra judicial killings related to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s “War on Drugs” Friday, Aug. 26, 2016 in front of the Philippine National Police headquarters in suburban Quezon city northeast of Manila, Philippines. According to police, nearly 2,000 people, mostly suspected drug-dealers and users, have been killed in drug-related incidents since President Duterte took office June 30, 2016 and prompted Philippine senators to open an inquiry into the killings. AP/Bullit Marquez

MANILA, Philippines — American investors expressed concern over the rising number of extrajudicial and vigilante killings amid the new administration’s anti-drug campaign.

The American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (AmCham) noted that the drug problem is a serious threat in the country but some investors are questioning whether the drug war reduces the rule of law.

“While the country’s economic fundamentals are strong and its potential is high, our members have raised concerns that some American values—which Filipinos have long shared—may be weakening in the current environment,” the AmCham said in a statement on Thursday.

The chamber noted that bilateral relations between the US and the Philippines have been strained by recent remarks of President Rodrigo Duterte against US President Barack Obama.

“Although statements of regret soon followed, such words and their international policy also create investor concern,” the statement read.

The White House canceled the scheduled meeting between Duterte and Obama following the former’s tirade against the American leader which came out as a personal attack.

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READ: Obama, Duterte meet after spat | Duterte’s drug war puts strain on US-Philippine ties

Malacanang clarified that both nations have agreed to postpone the meeting to a later date.

The AmCham remains hopeful that the ties between the two nations will become stronger in the future. The American chamber also maintained its commitment to working eith the Philippine government to improve the relations between the two countries.

“AmCham has always been optimistic about the Philippines and committed to strengthen bilateral trade, investment and cultural ties,” AmCham said.

RELATED: Foreign investors hesitant amid extrajudicial killings

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