The riveting story of “Handbook For An Unpredictable Life,” written by actress/dancer/choreographer Rosie Perez is a heartbreaking book of surviving a mentally ill mother and the rigid rules of the Catholic nuns who ran the children’s home in New York’s Westchester County. Rosie Maria Perez was born on September 6, 1964 in the Bushwick area of Brooklyn, New York to her mother, Lydia Perez and merchant marine dad, Ishmael Serrano. Both of her parents were from Aguadillo, Puerto Rico but both of them were apparently “married to other people when they met” and Rosie was born from that affair. “Handbook For An Unpredictable Life,” written by actress/dancer/choreographer Rosie Perez She became a “ ward of the State of New York when her mother took her from an aunt who was raising her and she was transferred to a group home at the age of 3 until she reached the age of 12.” Though her mother and aunt visited her frequently, her father also tried making an unsuccessful custody.In the book, Rosie narrated how being housed at Saint Joseph’s Catholic Home for Children in Peekskill, New York, which was called “the home” was where at the young age of three, she learned their daily routine on everything: they were told “what to do, when to do it, how to do it; when to wake up, when and how to shower, when and how to clean up, when to eat, when and how to play, how to pray and even when to pee and poop and how to Read More …