IF YOU think that the shortage of plate numbers is the only problem plaguing the Land Transportation Office (LTO), think again. Apparently, it’s not only the registration process for vehicles that has been hit by a supply chain problem, but also the registration process of drivers itself. More specifically, we’re talking about the driver’s license renewal process which—by many accounts—has been hitting snags, especially in the National Capital Region. According to a source, most LTO branches have now run out of blank driver’s license ID cards. As such, people renewing their licenses find at the end of the registration process that all they get is a flimsy piece of paper that doubles as a provisional license (until the actual plastic ID card can be issued, for which they would have to return to the LTO branch at some future date). We’re told that the problem has become so bad that it sometimes takes up to three months (if you’re lucky) to claim the actual driver’s license ID card. Biz Buzz learned that, a few weeks ago, a relative of President Aquino dutifully went to an LTO branch on his birthday to have his license renewed. At the end of the process (which was relatively efficient… until the ID issuing part), he was told to return in three months for the ID. But here’s the thing, this presidential relative was scheduled to head overseas in a few days. He told the LTO officials at the branch that he needed an actual Read More …