Sep 162016

What a tagline!

Everywhere I go in the country, I open the line and say, “Change is….” and everyone in my audience will complete the line and say, “Change is coming.” It ranks as popular as the phrase, “It’s more fun in……the Philippines,” as my audience would declare and then smile and laugh about it.

There are so many changes happening in the political scene and in the business scene, but what about changes that are not coming, at least in the immediate future?

Well, let’s take a careful look into these things.

Here are the things that will not change:

1. EDSA traffic will still be a problem and it would take time and immediate measures to improve the situation.

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2. Some politicians will still lie and steal, even though there is a higher sense of consciousness and apprehension these days.

3. Business will continue to be uncertain.

4. Business competitions will continue to rise.

5. Price competitions will always be there.

6. Technology will still churn out things that will change consumer behavior and will threaten many established industries.

7. You and I will grow old.

8. Life will still be laced with challenges and trials and the pace of it will add more stress to many of us.

On the other hand, these are the good things that will not change:

1. Life is beautiful, especially if you wake up every morning and realize it is a gift of God.

2. We can love and be loved.

3. You and I can always change for the better.

4. This is still a beautiful country populated by a lot more beautiful people than rude and arrogant ones.

5. We still have the freedom to express our ideas and opinions without the fear of being incarcerated.

What should not change and should never be out of our consciousness are:

1. Being faithful to our loved ones.

2. Treating people with respect and dignity.

3. Constant striving for personal growth and improvement.

4. Protecting one’s credibility and reputation.

5. Standing on the platform of truth and acting it out, not just complaining about the lack of it.

Popular motivational speaker Tony Robbins says there are six fundamental human needs:

1. The need for certainty and the assurance of avoiding pain and gaining pleasure.

2. The need for variety involving continuous change and stimulus.

3. The search for significance. We have the need to feel unique, to be important and special.

4. The need for love and connection.

5. The expansion of our own capabilities, capacities and growth.

6. The sense of service and giving back in terms of contribution.

These needs will remain constant. So when it comes to important things like these, change is not coming so we may as well invest time, attention and energy on these important things that add value to our life’s success goals.

So when someone sighs and says, “Some things will never change,” now you know the statement is indeed true.

(“Will To Win” is a conference that will be held on Oct. 1, 1-6 p.m. at Crowne Plaza Hotel. Be inspired and learn from speakers Francis Kong, Randell Tiongson, Gretchen Ho and Carlo Ople as they share principles and experiences on how to win in business, finance, career and social media. For further inquiries contact Michael at +63916-187-1506 or call Trisha at +63928-559-1798 for details)

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