Armando Bartolome Almost all kids have entrepreneurial skills. They all have the same goals– to have more “baon” when they go to school. When I was in Grade 3, I also wanted to have more baon. But instead of forcing my parents to give me more money, I thought of ways to raise money myself. Instead of taking the cab, I would walk to the nearest bus stop and take the bus home. It saved me a great deal. From what I saved, I bought a bag of candies and sold it to my classmates. The teachers in school also became my loyal customers. I sold them “walis tambo” which my grandfather made. I also helped my grandfather sell flowers at Plaza Miranda during All Souls Day. My parents also nurtured my entrepreneurial streak by asking me to help them sell “nilagang saba” after school. Through these little businesses, I was able to build up my savings. My young mind naturally developed the discipline required to be an entrepreneur– no one forced it on me. Our parents raised us in different ways, and what we learned from our parents we tend to impart to our own children. Parents, by nature, want to shelter their children and provide them everything they want. But when we expose our children to life’s realities at an early age, they can become more independent and responsible when they grow up. Teach them the value of earning It is better to let your children realize that Read More …