Dec 302014

THE Department of Tourism (DOT) 7 will produce a guidebook on tourism development plans for local government units (LGU) in Cebu Province starting in February.

DOT 7 Director Rowena Montecillo said the guidebook will serve as a tool to help LGUs craft their tourism plans.

“The aim here is to help LGUs become DOT-independent in terms of making their own tourism plans because these plans should really be initiated by them. DOT’s intervention will come in the form of technical assistance that will suit the community,” said Montecillo.

She said the guidebook will help educate and determine the function of local tourism officers and local chief executives in the development of their local tourism roadmaps.

DOT 7 has increased its efforts in developing new tourism destinations in the countryside.

Montecillo reported more LGUs in Cebu are now active in implementing their own tourism development plan, most of them as eco-tourism destinations.

“More LGUs are now aware of the growth opportunities tourism can bring to their locality in terms of income and job generation.
Those areas with high potential in tourism have been working closely with the DOT in terms of technical and marketing help,” said Montecillo.

She said more LGUs need proper training in crafting their tourism development plan.

“There are some who don’t know their tourism plans while others don’t know what to do with their tourism sites but they are starting to learn. We are hoping this guidebook will help them,” she said.

Montecillo cited Malabuyoc as an example where its LGU has initiated programs in the development of its hot springs and waterfalls.

“The LGU of Malabuyoc identified beforehand its tourism sites and they sought the help of the DOT on how they can improve their product, so technical assistance was provided to them,” she said. KOC

Published in the Sun.Star Cebu newspaper on December 31, 2014.

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