Sep 162016
Sunshine Dizon (MNS photo)

Sunshine Dizon (MNS photo)

Actress Sunshine Dizon on Tuesday took to Instagram to address rumors that she and her estranged husband Timothy Tan have reconciled.

In the lengthy Instagram post, Dizon urged people not to readily believe what they read in gossip columns.

“I issue this statement to clarify untruthful stories that have been published about me in gossip columns and blind items,” she wrote.

“I request any person who has no involvement in my cases to please refrain from fanning the flames of gossip and intrigue. The past months have been extremely traumatic for me and my children, and our wounds are still raw.”

Dizon also clarified her legal counsel Atty. Claire Castro did not back out from the case. In fact, it was Castro who decided to hire a new lawyer, Atty. Reeza Singzon, to represent her.

Despite their marital woes, Dizon said she chooses to remain civil with Tan “but I hope no one mistakes my civility for forgiveness.”

According to her, Tan is still allowed to visit their children since it is his right as a parent.

“This, however, does not mean we have reconciled as spouses. A man’s relationship with his children is quite different and apart from his relationship with his spouse,” Dizon explained.

She then asked the media to only report information that comes straight from her or her lawyer.

“If any information about my cases does not come from my new lawyer or from me, then what you heard is unconfirmed information and I request its immediate burial in the archives of your dead files,” she wrote.

“Any disinformation or erroneous report could potentially affect my cases and confuse matters further, and it’s the last thing my family needs right now. My children and I have suffered enough. We ask our friends in media to spare us further intrigue, and in so doing, uphold their integrity as writers and broadcasters,” she added.

Last August, Dizon faced her husband’s alleged mistress at a Quezon City Regional Trial Court.  (MNS)

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