Aug 142016

rey_andresFor the last eight years, the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Orange County (FACCOC) had always gone green with its signature summer event it calls Annual Green, Conserve and Health Expo which this year had for its venue the world-famous Disneyland Paradise Hotel in Anaheim.

The event had become a tradition where participation by environmentally-conscious sectors continue to grow in significance and variety every year.

Honoring Linda Sarno, Esq – The husband of the late Linda Sarno, Engr. Phil Sarno and his son, Mike Sarno,  listen as Faccoc Director Gloria Rull memorializes the person responsible for the Fil Am Chambers joining the advocacy on “going green”. With her near the podium is Director Edith Andres.

Honoring Linda Sarno, Esq – The husband of the late Linda Sarno, Engr. Phil Sarno and his son, Mike Sarno, listen as Faccoc Director Gloria Rull memorializes the person responsible for the Fil Am Chambers joining the advocacy on “going green”. With her near the podium is Director Edith Andres.

True to its vision of reaching out to the business and professional sectors of one of the most populous counties in California, the annual event pioneered by the late Atty. Linda Sarno brings dozens of exhibitors from the different cities’ entities whose products and services had to do with environmental conservation including the professional and business sectors enhanced efforts in the areas of going “green” under one roof.

Orange County has more than 3 million people in its 34 cities and the third most populous county in the whole of California.

FACCOC had designed the event to be an information sharing venue for a healthy exchange of information among various players in the “go green” advocacy and provides a means for marketing various health and eco-friendly products.

Ready, “go Green” – Fil-Am Chamber of Commerce president Edwin Baloloy cuts the ceremonial ribbon to open the day-long Green Conserve and Health Expo at the Disneyland Pacific Hotel recently. He is joined by Rep. Ed Royce of California’s 39th Legislative District and other officers of the host nonprofit organization.

Ready, “go Green” – Fil-Am Chamber of Commerce president Edwin Baloloy cuts the ceremonial ribbon to open the day-long Green Conserve and Health Expo at the Disneyland Pacific Hotel recently. He is joined by Rep. Ed Royce of California’s 39th Legislative District and other officers of the host nonprofit organization.

Linda Sarno’s sense of urgency and dedication in advocating for the environmental conservation had rubbed on the membership of the Chamber that the tradeshow cum information-sharing event had become one of its meaningful signature projects.

It was not only the environment that Linda was concerned about. In fact, she had a number of advocacies she worked for that demanded her attention, passion and dedication among which are women’s rights, pro life and equal protection under the law as a lawyer.

Citing instances of her avowed advocacy for upholding the rule of law, the event’s special guest Rep. Ed Royce of California’s 39th Legislative District and a long time supporter of the Fil-Am community, in his remarks highlighted Linda’s courage and commitment “in upholding the rule of law” be it on the local front or thousands of miles away in the Philippines.

Linda left a lasting legacy and indelible mark in the hearts of those who had been privileged to work with her in various capacities.

FACCOC, through its annual Emerald Awards, took occasion to honor individuals and organizations whose outstanding contributions to environmental consciousness had highlighted the need for a concerted effort to educate involve the people in this important work that touch the lives of people not only of the present but of the future generations as well.

Awards were given in five categories that highlighted and recognized the outstanding achievements of those whose efforts upheld the cause of environmental concerns of preserving the environment and underlining the impacts they have had to the beneficiaries of these innovations.

Awarded were: Greenest City – Cerritos City; Best Procurement Agency of Product for Small Business – Metropolitan Water District; Best Green Product or Service – Solar City; Best Health Company –  On-Season Meals, and Best Conservation Program – Waste Management of Orange County.

A panel of resource speakers composed of Ms. Leila Mozafarri (Director of Orange County Business Development Center), Jonathan Volzke (Public Affairs Manager, Municipal Water District of Orange County), and Ms. Nemrita Merino (Sr. Project Manager, Transportation Electrification, Southern California Edison) shared vital information and insights on various measures that their agencies undertake in the area of green technology and other related concerns.

Linda’s husband, Eng. Phil Sarno and son, Mike, graced the event and received the posthumous commendations and accolades for the community leader’s work in advocating for a greener environment.

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