Jan 152015

ILOILO CITY – Malaysian tourists in the Philippines are increasing, while Boracay Island is the most favored destination in Western Visayas, according to the region’s Department of Tourism.

According to the DOT’s report, there is a 233.17 percent increase in Malaysian tourist arrivals for Western Visayas with 19,890 arrivals as of January 7, 2015, higher compared to 2013’s 5,970 tourist arrivals.

DOT Regional Director Helen Catalbas said Aklan and Boracay remain the top destination for Malaysians with 5,477 in 2013 to 19,600 in 2014. Bacolod City came second with 107 Malaysian arrivals and Negros Occidental with 70 tourist arrivals.

The number of tourist arrivals is expected to increase as final reports from the six provinces and two highly-urbanized cities are expected to be sent to the region’s DOT office.

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