Jun 302016
Mat Relox

Mat Relox

Mat Relox, a Mangyan artist, known for his impassioned portrayal of the bucolic Mangyan life and culture, will hold his fourth one-man art exhibit 7 p.m., July 2, at the La Habra Art Gallery, 215 N. Orange St., La Habra, Calif. The exhibit runs through August 2.

Guest artists at the ribbon cutting and opening reception are Ed Gumamit and Anton Magsarili Reyes, along with honored guests Dr. Felix Puno Lapuz, Dr. Wendy Freed, Thelma Calabio, La Habra City Councilmember Lorna Schaefer, and members of the La Habra Chamber of Commerce. Featured guests are Luz Balbin Spanks and Mon Concepcion.



Mat is a multi-awarded global FilAm artist who has held local and international shows. He calls Southern California his home.The founding member of the Pilipino American Artist Guild, Los Angeles, Calif., received the top global artist award from Tony Vizmonte of the Celebrity Chronicle and the outstanding professional in the field of visual arts award from the California Examiner at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays, 12 to 4 p.m. Visit the gallery at  www.lahabraartgallery.org

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