Apr 072015

MANILA, Philippines – The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) has temporarily lifted the suspensions imposed on the Zambales nickel operations of three companies found to have committed environmental violations last year.

The MGB granted the temporary reprieve to LnL Archipelago Minerals Inc., BenguetCorp. Nickel Mines Inc. and Eramen Minerals Inc.

On July 15, 2014, the MGB Region III office suspended the operations of the three mining firms after their operations caused nickel siltation in waterways and farm lots.

It was discovered that the companies had been practicing an unsystematic strip mining method that leads to inefficient recovery of minerals and causes adverse environmental impacts like siltation in bodies of water and generation of dust.

The companies were ordered to immediately remove all stand-by stockpiles in open cut areas and store these in designated stockpile areas equipped with proper drainage systems.

The firms were also ordered to implement maintenance measures for the duration of the suspension.

Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1

The companies were also ordered to pay an aggregate of P3.2 million in compensation for farmers whose lots were damaged by siltation.

The MGB said the companies have “substantially met the conditions” stipulated in the suspension order. The bureau, however, set several conditions before the suspension order can be fully lifted.

The companies must construct an alternative mine haulage road, fix the damage to coastal areas caused by mining operations, pay in full the claims made by the owners of the fishponds damaged by siltation, conduct sediment flux monitoring, and fully rehabilitate affected river systems.

The companies were also ordered to rehabilitate inactive mining areas.

The MGB likewise ordered the implementation of systematic mining methods such as the observance of proper benching, bench slope stabilization and installation of safety berms.

All extracted minerals should be transferred to a well-engineered stockpile area at the mine site.

The mining firms were also required to submit periodic reports on the implementation of the above-mentioned recommendations.

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