Aug 202016

RA 7832 or the Anti-Electricity and Electric Transmission Lines/ Materials Pilferage Act of 1994 prohibits the possession, control, or custody of electric power transmission line/material by any person not engaged in the transmission or distribution of electric power, or in the manufacture of such materials. File photo

MANILA, Philippines – Despite information campaigns, the National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP) is alarmed over the increase of transmission line and tower parts theft in the last two years as this could cause interruption in the delivery of electricity to consumers.

NGCP said in a statement there has been higher instance of transmission line and tower parts pilferage since 2014.

In 2015 alone, 13 incidents of stolen parts from transmission lines, substations, and other related facilities were reported to NGCP. Five cases have been reported from January to May 2016.

RA 7832 or the Anti-Electricity and Electric Transmission Lines/ Materials Pilferage Act of 1994 prohibits the possession, control, or custody of electric power transmission line/material by any person not engaged in the transmission or distribution of electric power, or in the manufacture of such materials.

Those found guilty will face 12 to 20 years of imprisonment and fines ranging from P50,000 to P100,000.

Meanwhile, NGCP’s information campaign has resulted in a steady decrease of electrocution incidents, from a peak of 29 in 2012 to a five-year low of 17 in 2015. No employee-related accidents were also recorded for 2015 and 2016.

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It said information sessions focusing on transmission line safety and right-of-way were conducted in barangays and local government units identified as crucial to NGCP operations, particularly project completion.

For the first semester of 2016 alone, the nationwide campaign has reached 120 barangays, 474 media outfits, and 320 local government units.

“While NGCP is very pleased to report the positive development in line with our safety advocacy to lower electrocution incidents, we continue to warn the public to respect transmission line clearances,” NGCP said.

“We are also concerned with the prevailing increase of pilferage of our tower parts and lines. This greatly reduces the safety and reliability of our operations, not just in the local area, but on a national scale. We are appealing to the public to support our cause and help prevent power interruptions by reporting theft and pilferage of NGCP facilities to 0917-TIPNGCP (8476427) or 0918-TIPNGCP,” it said.

NGCP said it is expanding the campaigns reach through partnership with the Movie Television Review and Classification Board for the free airing of NGCP safety videos in cinemas nationwide.

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