Feb 182015

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) said the government is no longer extending the deadline for the submission of qualification documents for the P123 billion Laguna Lakeshore expressway and dike project.

DPWH Undersecretary Rafael Yabut has issued a supplemental bid bulletin giving interested companies until Feb. 27 to submit their qualification documents for largest public private partnership (PPP) project rolled out by the government so far.

 “No extension will be given to the submission of qualification documents so as not to adversely affect the schedule of the bidding process,” he said.

Under the original schedule, the DPWH should have notified the prequalified bidders last Feb. 8 paving the way for the submission of bid proposals on July 6.

The DPWH intends to issue the Notice of Award on Aug. 4 g and sign the concession agreement on Sept. 4.

According to Yabut, DPWH would no longer defer the deadline as companies have been given ample time after the submission was deferred twice to Jan. 14 and then to Feb. 27.

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 “Previous extensions granted by this office were provided to afford sufficient time for this department to release additional information related to the project and for prospective bidders to identify and engage participants in the bidding process,” Yabut said.

PPP Center executive director Cosette Canilao earlier reported that a total of 24 companies have expressed interest in the government’s largest PPP project.

The LLEDP involves the construction of a 47-kilometer flood control dike on top of which will be a high speed six-lane expressway starting from Taguig, passes through Muntinlupa and Calamba, and ends in Los Banos at its boundary with Bay, Laguna.

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