Nine new members were sworn in by the Los Angeles Philippine Women’s Club (LA PWC) on their 55th Anniversary last Sunday, June 26, 2016 at the Manila Terrace Apartments Social hall at 2328 Historic FIlipintown, DTLA. New LA PWC President Perla Santos (fourth person on the left) in Blue Pilipina terno with the new members
Los Angeles – The Los Angeles Philippine Women’s Club (LA PWC), the oldest Filipino American women’s organization in Southern California, marked its 55th year of community service by installing its new officers and new members.
The happy occasion was held at the Manila Terrace Social hall at 2328 W. Temple St. at Historic FIlipinotown, DTLA . Guest speaker was Ruby Cube, Past president of the California Federation of Women’s Club, Los Cerritos District. She was introduced by LA PWC Vice President and work horse, Rosalie Caratao, who was also the installing officer for the installation of new officers and members of the LA PWC.
In her welcome address, past President Amelia Arichea lauded its officers. She said, “I thought I was too old, too tired and just want to retire but the president, Ms, Linda Jones, then sold her house and relocated to Arizona, thus I had to assume the presidency again.But when I see Mrs. Ruby Cube who is older than me who still works, then I said, when should I rest and retire?”
Caratao swore in the new set of officers led by President Perla Santos and nine new members of the LA PWC.
After the new President Perla Santos accepted her post and Linda Maestro conducted the Cadena De Amor ceremony,
Atty. Roman Mosqueda and Sir Knight Commander of the KOR-HFT Art Garcia regaled the crowd with their songs.Maestro Buddy Reyes played his music and accompanied the singers.