Mar 282015
Malacañang on Saturday appealed to Filipinos to practice energy conservation not only for an hour on Saturday evening, but also in their daily routines.

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said it is not enough to switch off appliances for just an hour a year at Earth Hour.

“We appeal to everyone to do their own little share to save energy… it also contributes to the general well-being of everyone when it comes to environmental situation. Not just from 8:30 to 9:30 (at Earth Hour), we can incorporate little energy saving mesasures in our daily lives,” she said on government-run dzRB radio.

“Let’s not limit (our) participation to conservation of one hour a year,” she added.

On Saturday evening, Filipinos are expected to take part in Earth Hour, a period when everyone symbolically switches off lights to support calls for energy conservation.

Valte said that as the years pass, more and more people are participating in the yearly event.

But she said that beyond shutting out lights, people should continue “to do more on a daily basis to conserve energy.”

“This is symbolic … hopefully in all other things we can implement … There are many things we can do to contribute to energy conservation,” she said. Joel Locsin/LBG, GMA News

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