Mar 172015

Senate committee findings on Mamasapano clash bared

Senate committee findings on Mamasapano clash bared. Senator Grace Poe on Tuesday shows the findings of the Senate committee on public order, which she heads, regarding its investigation on the January 25 Mamasapano incident. She said President Benigno Aquino III is responsible for the operation when he allowed suspended PNP chief Director General Alan Purisima to oversee it. Benjie Castro

The Senate report on the Mamasapno clash concluded that the ongoing peace process between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front was one factor that influenced the actions of the Philippine Armed Forces during the January 25 “misencounter.”

“The AFP, as a party to the cessation of hostilities with the MILF may have been constrained by the peace process, considered as the centerpiece of our current national security program,” an executive summary of the Senate report on the Mamasapano clash read. 

The report also concluded that had the AFP  been more aggressive and had fired white phosphorous and high explosive artillery rounds earlier during the encounter, “it is possible that the battle might have ended sooner” and loss of lives would have been minimized.

The report noted that it was late on January 25, at 5:48 p.m. 11 hours into the firefight, when the AFP first fired white phosphorous rounds, which was seen as crucial in driving away the opposing force that engaged the PNP Special Action Force (SAF) commandos.

Some 44 SAF police commados were killed in the clash.

The report, however, also pointed out that the AFP could not be faulted for its failure to provide artillery support given that artillery fire missions require coordination and preparations.

“Had there been prior coordination with the AFP, reinforcing elements could have been easily placed on stand-by, air assets could have been pre-positioned and forward observer units from the Army could have been embedded with the PNP-SAF operating units in case the need for indirect fire support arose. More lives could have been saved and fewer lives could have been lost,” a portion of the full report read.

Senator Grace Poe, who chaired the Senate probe into the Mamasapano clash, said in a press conference before the release of the report, “I respect what the military said—that you cannot just deploy, for example, air support at the last minute. You cannot just fire artillery support because of the friendly forces on the ground. There was also no forward observers, and also where exactly are the enemy forces on the ground.” — DVM, GMA News

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