May 062016

Philippine-trained teen wrestlers, Anthony Arcilla and Royce Tiu, successfully competed in the United States and brought home 3 gold medals and 1 silver from the 19 th Annual Boys and Girls Wrestling Competition (USGWA/USBWA).

Anthony Arcilla and Royce Tiu

Anthony Arcilla and Royce Tiu [by Jong Arcega via Facebook]

The young wrestlers are the first from the Philippines to compete in the USBWA and their winning is considered a historic event for the Philippines.

“They are making history, trailblazing. Wrestlers from the Philippines have gone to other nations, like Korea, Europe, Bulgaria, Vietnam, but never in the US," said Springstowne Wrestling Club coach Jason Guiducci.

Arcilla, 17, won the freestyle and folkstyle wrestling categories.

Tiu, 19, received a gold and silver medal.

Coach Miguel Plana told media the young athletes dominated their divisions because of the intense training here in the Philippines. Both teens are from the Safehouse Wrestling Team in Manila.

"Made in the Philippines yung training nila, hindi yung dun nagte-training. From the Philippines talaga, nag-training, pumunta sa States and nag-compete. Si Anthony and Royce, almost literally wiped out their division (Their training was made in the Philippines and not in the U.S. From the Philippines, trained, went to the States, and compete. Anthony and Royce almost literally wiped out their division)," Plana added.

Arcilla said he wants to go to the Olympics as a Philippine representative of the sport.


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