Jun 042015
(TOKYO, Japan) President Benigno S. Aquino III delivers his speech during the meeting with the Filipino community at the Ascot Hall of the Okura Hotel on Tuesday (June 02) during his State Visit to Japan. (MNS Photo)

(TOKYO, Japan) President Benigno S. Aquino III delivers his speech during the meeting with the Filipino community at the Ascot Hall of the Okura Hotel on Tuesday (June 02) during his State Visit to Japan. (MNS Photo)

MANILA (Mabuhay) — President Benigno Aquino III on Wednesday drew a parallel between present day China and Nazi Germany during a speech in Japan, hinting the world cannot continue to appease Beijing as it claims ever-more territory in the South China Sea.

The comments came as disquiet grows over the quickening pace of China’s land reclamation program in international waters, including its construction of a runway long enough for large military planes.

“If there was a vacuum, if the United States, which is the superpower, says ‘we are not interested,’ perhaps there is no brake to ambitions of other countries,” Aquino told an audience of business leaders in Tokyo when asked about China’s rising might and the role of the US in checking it.

“I’m an amateur student of history and I’m reminded of… how Germany was testing the waters and what the response was by various other European powers,” he said referring to the Nazis’ territorial conquests in the months before the outbreak of World War II.

“They tested the waters and they were ready to back down if for instance in that aspect, France said (to back down).

“But unfortunately, up to the annexation of the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, the annexation of the entire country of Czechoslovakia, nobody said stop.

“If somebody said stop to (Adolf) Hitler at that point in time, or to Germany at that time, would we have avoided World War II.”

Second time

It was the second time that Aquino likened China to the Nazis.

In an interview with The New York Times last year, Aquino already compared China’s actions in the South China Sea to Nazi imperialism.

Back then, the Philippine leader said the world should not just appease China by letting them take over contested territories, similar to what Adolf Hitler did to parts of Czechoslovakia before the second World War.

Aquino’s recent strong comments came after US President Barack Obama on Monday weighed in on the growing tensions in the South China Sea, urging regional powers — particularly China — to respect the law and stop “throwing elbows.”

China has rejected US demands to stop all reclamation works in the South China Sea, saying it was exercising its sovereignty and using the outposts to fulfil international responsibilities.

(TOKYO, Japan) President Benigno S. Aquino III shares the stage with the participants in the meeting with the Filipino community for a group photo souvenir at the Ascot Hall of the Okura Hotel on Tuesday (June 02) as part of his State Visit to Japan. (MNS photo)

(TOKYO, Japan) President Benigno S. Aquino III shares the stage with the participants in the meeting with the Filipino community for a group photo souvenir at the Ascot Hall of the Okura Hotel on Tuesday (June 02) as part of his State Visit to Japan. (MNS photo)

Beijing insists it has sovereignty over nearly all of the South China Sea, a major global shipping route believed to be home to oil and gas reserves, but rival claimants accuse it of expansionism.

Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have varied claims over islets and reefs in the area.

Washington and its Asian allies, including Tokyo, which has a separate territorial disputes with Beijing in the East China Sea, has warned that ignoring international laws could threaten “the freedom of navigation.” (MNS)

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