Jul 172016

rp_Chito-Parazo-300x173.jpgThe recent favorable ruling the Philippine government got from the United Nation’s international arbitral tribunal means nothing unless China can be expelled from the disputed island in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

The UN Security Council should now some adopt pressure on the Chinese government to stop its current reclamation projects in the West Philippine Sea and to expel military forces who have transplanted themselves in area for the past two years.

Although probably stung by the recent UN decision, I do not think Chinese leaders will ever surrender its hold on the disputed island, thinking that it’s theirs.

To avoid straining further the country’s relations with China, President Rodrigo Duterte should start diplomatic negotiations with China, including backdoor negotiations to settle the issue amicably, despite the recent favorable ruling the Philippines got from UN.

Residents join advocates for Philippine sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea in offering thanksgiving prayer and sampaguita flowers to celebrate the historic and favorable ruling of the UN Permanent Court of Arbitration at the seawall of the Manila Bay on Tuesday (July 12, 2016). (PNA photo by Avito C. Dalan)lam/acd

Residents join advocates for Philippine sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea in offering thanksgiving prayer and sampaguita flowers to celebrate the historic and favorable ruling of the UN Permanent Court of Arbitration at the seawall of the Manila Bay on Tuesday (July 12, 2016). (PNA photo by Avito C. Dalan)lam/acd

Duterte, however, should be firm in his dealings with Chinese leaders and point out that he has no plans of giving up the disputed territory, especially now that our claim has been upheld by the UN.

President Duterte may have the balls, but he should be wary and careful in his negotiations with Chinese leaders regarding the disputed territory.

Years ago, China had serious border issues with Russia and Vietnam. It took them 30 years of constant negotiations before they were able to hammer out a decision beneficial to Vietnam, Russia as well as to China. According to facts, China was forced to settle the issue because Russia and Vietnam would not budge on the issue.

I am sure Duterte will learn more on this issue once he starts negotiating with Chinese leaders regarding the disputed territory.

President Duterte has received a favorable 79 percent approval rating from Filipinos all over the country on the manner of how he was running the affairs of the government, particularly on his campaign against illegal drugs. The survey was conducted recently by the Social Weather Station (SWS).

I am sure that all of “Digong’s policies, programs and other agenda’s he want to implement to hasten the improvement of the country’s economy, as well as the lives of every Filipinos, will be fully supported by Congress because of his immense popularity among the people, particularly the poor.

No other president, according to SWS, has ever gotten such a high approval rating other than Duterte. Ex-President Benigno Aquino III didn’t get past 55 percent approval rating even during the height of his popularity shortly after winning the presidential election in 2010.
No doubt, President Duterte is doing a remarkable job so far.
Although the proliferation of illegal drugs in the country remains to be one of the major problems that has affected the country for many years, it is expected to be eradicated totally, if not minimized to a large extent due to a relentless police campaign against illegal substances.
I am not surprised by Senator Leila De lima’s action to express her indignation on the manner of how drug peddlers are being shot and killed or liquidated by cops in response to President Duterte’s desire to rid the country of drug lords and their peddlers and mules.

Senator De Lima should be investigated for her reported closeness with some big time drug lords. It is a well known fact that drug money financed the senatorial candidacy of De Lima.
Her constant “lightning” raids at the National Bilibid was just a publicity stunt to get her to land in major dailies as well as on television.

Despite those raids, the sale, distribution of banned substances as well as the presence of guns, cell phones and money, continue to exist in the penitentiary in large numbers and amounts.
Reports are now unraveling that General Pagdilao, one of the five accused PNP generals implicated in the illegal drugs business, was the subject of a “silent” investigation done by the late DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo shortly before his ill-fated airplane crash. Pagdilao and former DILG Undersecretary Puno were rumored to be close associates of President Noynoy Aquino.

Despite being linked to illegal drugs and “jueteng” both Pagdilao and Puno were never investigated throughout the incumbency of President Noynoy.

The government should start looking into the bank accounts of former Undersecretary Puno as well as the five generals implicated in the illegal drug business. Their assets and their unexplained wealth should be confiscated in favor of the government. President Duterte can make use of this money to build more jails for drug lords and their peddlers to be arrested in the days to come.

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