Susan Oca did it again!
After her successful stint hosting a dance event for seniors last month, where she, together with some friends, bestowed awards to some seniors in different categories, Susan this time connected her seniors to businesses that primarily have them as the target market.
Ms. Peachy Formacion, Wells Fargo Bank Business Specialist and Ms. Linda Nery, FACLA treasurer and member of the Board of Directors, acted as the night’s emcees, skillfully coordinating the event’s sequence very well.
Fr. Erick Veloso delivered the invocation, setting the proper tone for the night’s affairs.
Businesses present took turns to present their products and services.
Here is Susan’s story:
Susan came to America in search of the American Dream. She left behind family, earthly possessions, fond memories. Armed with her God-given talents and a deep faith in the future, she braved the uncertainties of the New World. She went from one state to another, hopped from one job to another, in search of that elusive American Dream.
Until one day a few months back, responding to a friend’s call for help in hosting a similar event, she realized that using her feminine magic of creativity and resourcefulness, she can address seniors’ needs and make them happy. That day, she stopped searching; instead, she started creating the new American Dream.
This new American Dream discards the old notion that success should be measured by the accumulation of money alone; instead, she added the subjective dimension of personal happiness in the equation.
She believes that despite their financial challenges, people can be happy. She believes that by adding more episodes of happiness in people’s lives, they will come to regard their lives as a success, and not a big disappointment because they lacked money. Under this new light, she believes that the best years in most people’s lives are not buried in the sands of the past, but are well sketched in the bright horizons of the future.
Among her sponsors are: Wells Fargo Bank, Tower Pharmacy, RJ Airwash, 24/7 HELPAlert, Starbright Homehealth, Dr. Veronico Agatep.
The event ended with the teary-eyed Susan humbly accepting the warm adulation of an adoring and grateful audience.