MANILA, Philippines – The country’s third investment grade rating may be forthcoming as Moody’s Investors Service has lauded the Philippine economy’s robust expansion, the Aquino government’s record budget surplus, and the conduct of generally peaceful elections. Moody’s is the only global credit rating agency that still rates the Philippines one notch below investment grade or BA1. The country obtained its first, investment grade upgrade from Fitch Ratings Services in March. Standard & Poors’ followed suit in May. In a statement issued yesterday, Moody’s said the Philippines’ first quarter GDP (gross domestic product) and record budget surplus are “credit positive,” a sign that that an upgrade may be in the offing. National Treasurer Rosalia De Leon said officials from Moody’s are expected to arrive in the Philippines next month. Last week, the government announced that it posted a P36.8-billion budget surplus in April, the highest monthly surplus it achieved, largely due to a 28.9- percent year-on-year increase in income tax receipts. “The improvement in tax receipts demonstrates that the government’s efforts to bolster tax compliance are gaining traction and helping to boost revenue generation, one of the key weaknesses of the Philippines’ credit profile. The relatively moderate year-to-date fiscal deficit also suggests that a degree of spending restraint in the run-up to the midterm elections held last month and that the government’s spending decisions are increasingly driven by long-term economic objectives rather than short-term political ones,” said Moody’s senior analyst Christian de Guzman. Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: Read More …