Associated Press 5:57 am | Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 This undated photo provided by the County of Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control shows a 4-year-old cat that stowed away in a container ship headed from Manila, Philippines, to Los Angeles. The cat, named “Pinay” by staff, is described as a domestic short-haired, orange-and-white female. She is gaining weight and getting stronger after the trip without food or water left her near death. AP PHOTO/COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL LOS ANGELES—A 4-year-old cat that stowed away in a container ship headed from Manila, Philippines, to Los Angeles is gaining weight and getting stronger after the trip without food or water left it near death. Los Angeles County animal control director Marcia Mayeda said the orange-and-white female cat was weak and frail after the 7,300-mile (11,745-kilometer) trip. But after two weeks of treatments, the feline is in fair condition. Hospital staff named the cat Pinay, a common name for a female Filipino. The cat has cleared quarantine but needs to be adopted into a calm home because she is still skittish. Potential adopters can e-mail daccevents@animalcare.lacounty.gov. A year ago, a kitten named Ni Hao survived a freighter trip from China and was placed in a home. Follow Us Recent Stories: Complete stories on our Digital Edition newsstand for tablets, netbooks and mobile phones; 14-issue free trial. About to step out? Get breaking alerts on your mobile.phone. Text ON INQ BREAKING to 4467, for Globe, Read More …