DAVAO CITY — Electric cooperatives in Mindanao are opposing the terms under the planned wholesale electricity spot market (WESM), claiming that their recommendations during the Department of Energy’s (DoE) consultations were not considered.
THE ENERGY Regulatory Commission (ERC) has cleared the extended implementation of a secondary price cap for the power traded on the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) to further shelter consumers from supply-related price volatility.

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Energy (DOE) is allowing market intervention in the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM), the country’s trading floor for electricity, to temper unusual price spikes as what happened in November last year. “In a nutshell, there is now market intervention,” Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla said when sought for comment on the new circular. Based on Department Circular 2014-01-0001, the Philippine Electricity Market Corp. (PEMC), the WESM operator, has the option to intervene in the market by setting an administered price gauged on the average price in the last 30 days prior to the day of intervention. It said PEMC may intervene when there is a supply emergency “where electricity supply capacity shortfall, is measured at four percent or below the total demand.” “Provided further that the four percent trigger shall continue to be applied until the DOE determines, through the National Transmission Corp., the National Grid Corp. of the Philippines and the Grid Management Committee, that a new trigger is applicable,” Petilla said in the circular. He stressed that market intervention is merely an option that may or may not be exercised by PEMC as market operator. Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 “[I]n light of recent events, the DOE saw the need to provide for an interim measure for the market operator and/or system operator’s declaration of market intervention in order to ensure utmost consumer protection specially in times of critical situation of the supply of electricity power that triggers Read More …

I have no doubt Energy Secretary Jericho Petilla meant it when he said he will resign if he failed to reconnect the towns in Leyte and Eastern Samar to the power grid by Christmas Eve. But only three towns remain to be connected and that is definitely substantial compliance. ABS-CBN reports the three towns were connected by Friday last week. PNoy was right to reject his resignation. Indeed, P-Noy should hang on to Petilla. It is rare to have someone like him who is ready to put his job on the line towards the accomplishment of a goal. I have not personally met Petilla and initially dismissed him as just another politician. But he is showing himself to be a breed apart from many in P-Noy’s cabinet and key officials. How I wish this retired General Honrado would do a Petilla and put his job on the line on the issue of providing functioning air conditioners, working CCTVs and clean washrooms in all the NAIA terminals. Because he knows he is a bosom buddy of P-Noy (relative pa daw), all he has offered these past three years are excuses, a mountain of excuses. Kung hindi kaya ang trabaho, resign! But he seems to be kapalmuks to the core. Having worked at the Ministry of Energy, I understand the challenges that Petilla faces. We did well enough then because we had an exceptionally results oriented boss in Ronnie Velasco who took no excuses for failure. It was also martial law. Now, Petilla and the energy bosses after Read More …