If there is one thing I am grateful for, it’s my ability to see the beauty that life can offer instead of being disheartened by the obstacles that come my way. Thomas A. Edison once said, “I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun.” In any kind of business, we will all inevitably come across failure. We will sometimes be disappointed with the results of our efforts. But we need to realize that we can only do so much—that even with a seemingly perfect plan, things could go wrong halfway through the process. So how do we deal with it? As a business mentor, I have met many that inspired me to continue my advocacy of helping Filipinos elevate their status by engaging in businesses, no matter how small. Some of them almost gave up after struggling with the businesses they started. I asked these disheartened entrepreneurs: “What do you think is causing your business to fail?” I was surprised with their reply. I was expecting them to tell me that they didn't know enough about the business they entered. But the reason was: they lacked faith in themselves and had doubts that they could make the business work. When I asked them why, they replied that each struggle with the business seemed to be pulling them down deeper. When a person has a positive attitude in life, trials and tribulations become a “gold mine of learning.” We never really know how much further we Read More …