Mar 112015

Top officials of property developer Alphaland Crop. skipped on Thursday the continuation of the Senate probe on the controversial land deal it entered into with the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, which supposedly benefited Vice President Jejomar Binay.

Alphaland president Mario Oreta was not able to attend the Senate blue ribbon subcommittee hearing due to “medical reasons,” his lawyer told the panel.

To this, Senator Aquilino Pimentel III, who is heading the investigation, commented, “Medical reasons? He doesn’t want to hear the opinion of Commissioner [Kim] Henares?”

Henares, Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) chief, was present during Thursday’s hearing. She is expected to give her insights on whether Oreta’s supposed failure to declare his share from the land deal was tantamount to tax evasion.

Alphaland owner Roberto Ongpin was also absent during the hearing. He is currently in Europe, according to his lawyer.

During the last hearing, former Makati Vice Mayor Ernesto Mercado accused Binay of getting as much as P651 million from the land deal between Boy Scouts and Alphaland Corp. 

Binay’s camp has repeatedly said that Mercado’s accusations are politically motivated.

Boy Scouts and Alphaland officials also insisted that the land deal they entered into was not anomalous— RSJ, GMA News

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