Armando Bartolome
I was an employee for several years before I became an entrepreneur, until I realized that with my communication skills, I can help motivate others and that I can start a business out of it.
It was difficult at the start. I dealt with several struggles along the way. But, nevertheless, it has ignited my passion. Seeing people whom I have helped succeed on their own is a fantastic accomplishment indeed!
I would like to continue to inspire people to make use of their resources properly and to take every opportunity given to them. Not every person may have the chance to start something that could eventually turn out to be successful. Whether you start your own business from scratch or consider to franchise a business, you would always need a strength of Samson, the wisdom of King Solomon and even the patience of Steve Scully.
To prepare new entrepreneurs with their journey through business, here are a few lessons that would help them get through all the challenges and become successful.
Lesson #1: Nurture relationships.
Being in a business means widening your network. This can be done by attending seminars, workshops or symposiums where you are able to meet different people. Always see this as an opportunity for business.
Lesson #2: Believe in your capabilities.
Starting up a business may be your long-time dream. And it is only natural that you have a vision in mind. Unless you believe in your strengths and capabilities, do you think you can become successful? If you don't believe in yourself, who else would?
Lesson #3: Prove your worth.
Some entrepreneurs may stumble every now and then. To make a quick profit, they sometimes sell their products and services at a much lesser cost to the point that customers think the low price sacrifices quality. Patience is a virtue. Expect lean days. Always maintain high quality to earn the trust of your customers.
Lesson #4: Be just the way you are.
Be as honest with others as you can. You don’t need to pretend to be someone else. Show them who you are and you will attract more people.
“Everyone wants to belong, or be a part of something bigger than themselves, but it's important to follow your heart and be true to yourself in the process.” – Emily Griffins
Lesson #5: There are four keys that will help you become a great entrepreneur: faith, hope, patience and hard work.
This is one lesson that applies to any aspect of life. It is absolutely impossible to make your business work without putting in time and effort.
Lesson #6: Not everyone will always understand your decision.
You have your own hopes and dreams which may be not the same as others. If you know that you are on the right path, follow where the road leads you.
Lesson #7: Never stop learning.
Always feel the need to update yourself with the latest innovations. You may know the basics, but consider new techniques, strategies and products.
Lesson #8: Share your knowledge.
This is one lesson which I have always carried in my heart. Since I meet quite a number of people from my talks, I have also learned from them which I share with others, as well. Real life experiences are the perfect way to encourage others to do better.
Lesson #9: Create a community and find a support system.
You cannot reach your goals alone. And that means that you cannot be successful without having people around you that can help you prosper. Surround yourself with people with the same interests. Exchange ideas and grow together.
Lesson #10: You are not perfect.
Imperfections are not a sign of weakness or unworthiness. It is alright to seek advice from experts. To become successful, you need as much help as you need. Never look at yourself as being incapable of making it to the top.
These lessons were probably not taught in school. Only when you step out into the real world will you be able to realize that there are still more to learn beyond memorizing numerous book chapters. You need to discover and learn to cope with all the obstacles. It can be hard sometimes, but that should only help you fire up your passion even more.
(Armando Bartolome is known as the Philippines’ Franchise Guru, a business mentor to numerous micro entrepreneurs who are now themselves big names in the industry. This article is reposted with the author’s permission and was previously published on The Business Mentor column posted by ABSCBN News. For questions and more information, you may contact Armando "Butz" Bartolome by email:philfranchiseguru@gmail.com or on Twitter @philfranguru. His website is www.gmb.com.ph)
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