Mar 212015
The Department of Education defended the impending implementation of the K to 12 program that has been the subject of criticism from the public.

According to a report on GMA’s “Balitanghali” aired Saturday, the DepEd said preparations for the implementation of the program are almost done. It said the program will improve the quality of education in the country.

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte has said the program is a major reform that will solve the country’s problem in quality education.

“The record will bear this out: We have built more classrooms (over 66,000 since 2010), hired more teachers, acquired more textbooks and chairs, and more importantly introduced more reforms than any administration in recent history.” Valte said.

“The K+12 like any major reform program will have obstacles in transition but we firmly believe that we can continue to hurdle thes eobstacles,” she continued.

But for Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, the Philippine education system is not yet ready for sucha  drastic change. Trillanes also said the program is impractical for the public’s financial capacity.

“Paano tayo magiging globally competitive kung hindi na tayo makakapagpadala ng mga professional sa ibang bansa dahil wala nang nagtatapos sa kolehiyo?” Trillanes said.

“Worse, we would have a generation of high school dropouts who will never be competitive in their lifetimes and would probably end up as criminals in order to survive,” he added.

The K to 12 program will be implemented next school year. Students will be required to undergo kindergarten, six years of elementary, four years of junior high school and two years of senior high school. Andrei Medina/JDS, GMA News

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