Mar 152015
Contrary to the findings of the PNP Board of Inquiry, former Special Action Force (SAF) chief Director Getulio Napeñas Jr. said the plan for Oplan Exodus was not defective.
Napeñas said the Mamasapano operation successfully neutralized Malaysian terrorist and bomb maker Zulkifli bin Hir alias Marwan, GMA News’ “24 Oras” reported Sunday.


The dismissed SAF chief also said it is not true that he did not listen to the input from his men.

He added the “utmost secrecy and operational security” was the key to the success of the mission.

The Jan. 25 Mamasapano clash resulted in the death of 44 elite police commandos, 18 Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters and five civilians. 

It has also put deliberations in Congress on the Bangsamoro Basic Law, which is based on a peace agreement signed between the governmen and the MILF, on hold.

The BOI report said time-on-target coordination “[did] not conform to the established and acceptable operational concepts and protocols of the PNP.” 

Napeñas: Artillery could have saved SAF men

Napeñas said at a Senate committee hearing that the fallen commandos could have been saved if the Armed Forces of the Philippines delivered the requested artillery support.
Based on text messages to then suspended PNP chief Alan Purisima, PNP OIC Deputy Director General Leonardo Espina, and Chief Supt. Noli Taliño, Napeñas at 7:55 a.m. on Jan. 25 told the grid coordinates of the firefight and asked for artillery support.

The text messages were obtained by GMA News from a source.

However, it was only before 6 p.m. that the AFP 6th Infantry Division fired white phosphorus rounds.

Meanwhile, Napeñas said he respects President Benigno Aquino III’s opinion.

Asked to comment on Aquino’s insistence on laying the blame on him, Napeñas said: “Pananaw nila ‘yun… We respect it.” Kathryn Mae P. Tubadeza/JDS, GMA News

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