Live fire drills cap PHL-US Balikatan . A Huey helicopter prepares to drop off troops while Philippine Marines take up positions during a live fire assault simulation drill on the last day of the annual Balikatan military exercise at Crow Valley in Capas, Tarlac on Thursday, May 15. In the simulation, US aircraft dropped bombs while Marines dodged artillery fire. The exercise took place weeks after the allies signed a defense deal against a backdrop of tensions between China and its neighbors. AFP CROW VALLEY – US aircraft dropped bombs and marines tore forward under artillery fire in war games in Tarlac on Thursday, weeks after the allies signed a defense deal against a backdrop of flaring Chinese tensions with its neighbors. The live rounds made a dull thud and kicked up dust as they rained down on a dry riverbed at the start of the hour-long maneuvers, involving about 100 American and 200 Filipino Marines. “We’re training to take over a key enemy position,” US Marines spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jay de la Rosa told AFP from a nearby ridge observation point, as F/A-18 and A-10 aircraft unloaded their payloads. Artillery shells also poured down from nearby hilltops before V-22 Osprey aircraft and conventional military helicopters made paratroop drops of marines on the simulated battlefield, later joined by colleagues aboard armoured vehicles. “It’s a maritime security scenario,” Filipino Navy Captain Annaleah Cazcarro said. “We don’t have a target country,” she emphasized. Thursday’s maneuvers came at the end of 10 days Read More …