MANILA, Philippines – With the clamor of many board directors to equip themselves with the right skills and knowledge to be effective in their roles in strengthening the corporate governance of their organizations, the Center for Global Best Practices (CGBP) has launched a series of effectiveness programs to address their needs: (1) Best Practices for Audit Committees, Wednesday and Thursday, July 9 & 10. This is a requirement for publicly listed firms; (2) “Best Practices In Corporate Housekeeping: The Experts’ Guide On How to Be An Effective Corporate Secretary” on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 7 & 8; (3) Best Practices in Enterprise Risk Management, Aug. 27 (also required for publicly-listed businesses); and (4) Board Director’s Guide on Corporate Governance and Updates, Feb. 19. The venues for these special programs will be at the Edsa Shangri-La hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines. Attending these programs will be most useful for board directors, board chairperson, vice chairperson, corporate secretaries and assistant corporate secretaries. These are SEC-mandated programs to strengthen your organization’s governance and specially required for those board directors of publicly listed firms or are planning to seek a board seat or appointment as a director in the board. The program on corporate housekeeping seminar would be also be of special benefit to, among others, corporations, business owners, directors, and management who may want to know how best to use the services of the corporate secretary; new lawyers who may wish to learn the best practices in corporate housekeeping; older lawyers who may want Read More …