Apr 102017

This Lenten season we are once again reminded of various biblical and historical accounts about Jesus of Nazareth (4 B.C. — 30 A.D.), the central figure of Christianity. Probably the most notable thing about him is his fondness for the company of tax collectors. From the tax collectors of the past to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) of the present, the tax man has been stereotyped and has received more than his share of contempt, and even ridicule.

Apr 102017
PH climbs 10 ranks in World Happiness Index

Filipinos are known to be one of the happiest people in the world and we continue to prove it as the Philippines ranks 72nd among 155 countries on the 2017 World Happiness Report. [via We the Pvblic] The Philippines reached high scores in the following happiness index measures: social support area measure (1.254) gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (0.858) freedom to create life choices (0.585) health life expectancy (0.468) generosity (0.194) perceptions of corruption (0.099) The Philippines climbed 10 notches from its 82 nd place in the 2016 Happiness Index, making it one of the top 20 countries in Changes of Happiness from 2005-2007 to 2014-2016. In Asia, Singapore is the happiest country, at No. 26 overall, followed by Thailand (32), Taiwan (33), Malaysia (42), Japan (51), Hong Kong (71), Philippines (72), China (79) and Indonesia (81).  Norway was recognized as the world’s happiest country followed by Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Finland, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Sweden. The World Happiness Report annual ranking of 155 countries published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network under the United Nations defines happiness as “considered to be the proper measure of social progress and the goal of public policy.”   The post PH climbs 10 ranks in World Happiness Index appeared first on Good News Pilipinas. Related posts: PHL climbs 7 notches in global competitiveness index Filipinos are happiest workers in Asia – JobStreet.com PHL jumps 8 notches in World Economic Freedom index PH one of the world’s best to raise a family Read More …

Apr 102017
DLSU Eco Car Team wins Asian Drivers Title

De La Salle University Manila’s Eco Car Team crossed the finished line first and beat other Asia Pacific finalist teams to win the first Shell Drivers World Championship (DWC) Asia held in Singapore. DLSU Eco Car Team [by Joseph Nair via Inquirer] DLSU ECT I. C. E. 506, FLUX, ran the track and finished the lap with a record at 1:53:67, topping all Asian teams in the Urban Concept, I. C. E. category, announced the team in their Facebook post. The student team’s first place finish in the inaugural DWC Asia gained DLSU a slot in the 2017 Drivers World Championship to be held in London. The DLSU Eco Car Team Delta previously won first place in the Urban Concept Gasoline in the new Challenger event of the Shell Eco Marathon Philippines held in Clark Pampanga in February. The DLSU team competed against 30 other teams from across the country to battle for ultimate energy efficiency. The DLSU students will now prepare to compete in the UK against the top teams from Europe and America. In 2016 the DLSU Eco Car Team also claimed a spot in the introductory DWC London. The Drivers World Championships pits drivers around the world in a traditional racing car format while driving energy-efficient cars.   The post DLSU Eco Car Team wins Asian Drivers Title appeared first on Good News Pilipinas. Related posts: DLSU Eco Team qualifies for World Driving Title DLSU, UP, TIP shine in Shell Eco-Marathon Asia Pinoy Lion Dance team takes home Read More …

Apr 102017
Russian family YouTube Vlog features PH best

A Russian photographer, his wife, and their baby who travel around the world in search of the best spots has featured the Philippines in its video blog, showing how to have fun with the family in the Philippines. Alexander Tikhomirov and Family [via Instagram] The Alexander Tikhomirov Family’s You Tube videos titled “5 Destinations in Philippines! MUST SEE!” and “Born To Be – What does it mean? BEST VLOG from Philippines!” went online in April showcasing the best family vacation spots in the country in travel vlogs that give off the feel of an ordinary family recording its vacation on video. The Born To Be video is episode 12 of the AlexanderTikhomirovFamily vlog which starts off with Alexander talking in English about how they break the idea that family life is boring. The Philippine Destinations video is episode 13, and shows the family enjoying their banca ride, snorkeling amid coral reef in the blue waters, and swimming among rock formations. The vlogs about the Philippines showcase the charm of island beaches showing glimpses of Filipino lifestyle with Alexander holding his baby while checking out the ever-present basketball ring, some fighting cocks, a monkey and even a dog on an island’s beach, bountiful food offerings, hotel amenities that include kids playground. The travelling family shows the appeal of Philippine beach combing with family, exercising by the ocean while viewing the Philippine sunset, kayaking amid pristine blue waters, making Alexander exclaim, “It’s just like paradise!” The Russian photographer talks about how he, Read More …

Apr 102017
5 great things to be thankful for

Armando Bartolome Let me enumerate a couple of things we all have to be grateful for.  Thankful for life.  There may be instances when we feel sorry or even regret the kind of life we may have now. Yet if we see those who were born with deficiencies like no arms, and legs, like the YouTube sensation Nicholas James Vujicic, a stronger and deeper appreciation of our life becomes evident. When he came to Manila, he touched so many people from all walks of life. Yet he never felt sorry for what happened to him, and still managed to inspire others. Thankful for the country we have.  Every time I open the television, newspapers or radio, I cannot help but always get turned off. Listening to commentators, they always complain and complain. It seems endless.  Come on, can we for one moment identify good things happening in our country? There are commentators who are former lawmakers. They were on the other side, but have they contributed anything to our country.  If we look around our neighbors and even out there in Middle East and Europe, the Philippines is so blessed. Just the weather, so many foreigners are thrilled. See the influx of retirees from other countries. The other week I was in Hong Kong and while watching to catch news on CNN, I had goose pimples seeing the advertisement for “It’s More Fun In The Philippines”. Every waking up moment, I say thank you for giving this country. I feel Read More …

Apr 092017

(First of two parts) For someone on an expatriate assignment, understanding the tax impact of such an assignment is just as relevant, or even more crucial, as knowing the location of the new home or the strengths of the children’s new school. Further, when the employer puts in place a tax equalization (TEQ) arrangement for the international assignment, it is equally important to understand its meaning and objective, the mechanics, and the related tax implications thereof.

Apr 092017

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