Apr 042017
Fitch affirms PH investment grade rating

Global leader Fitch Ratings has affirmed a rating with a positive outlook for the Philippines’ long term foreign and local currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs). Philippine Stock Exchange [via Business World Online] The Fitch Ratings grade of ‘BBB-’ with a Positive Outlook was also given to the country’s unsecured foreign and local currency bonds, along with an ‘F3’ rating. ‘F3’rating was also affirmed for the Philippines’ short term foreign and local currency IDRs. Altogether the Country Ceiling was affirmed at’BBB’. The credit rating and research group cited the key rating drivers for the Philippines as reflective of its “continued strong and consistent growth performance, a robust net external creditor position and government debt levels that are lower than the median of peers in the 'BBB' rating category.” Fitch cited the following rating factors: The Philippines' strong economic growth is a rating strength. The Philippines in May 2016 elected Rodrigo Duterte as its new president. The Philippines is a strong net external creditor. The Philippine central bank's monetary and exchange rate policies are effective. The government's debt remains below the 'BBB' median. A rating within the 'BBB' category means that expectations of default risk are currently low and the capacity for payment of financial commitments is considered adequate, but adverse business or economic conditions are more likely to impair this capacity. A positive rating outlook, meanwhile, indicates an upward trend for a credit rating over a one-to two-year period.  Fitch expects the economy to sustain its strong growth momentum, with GDP forecast Read More …

Apr 042017
SM commits to go beyond the hour in Earth Hour

Staying true to its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection, SM Prime Holdings Inc. has challenged the public to see Earth Hour as just a 60-minute event for the environment but a continuing personal pledge to climate action. Using bikes to power the mini globe during the 2017 Earth Hour celebration at the SM Mall of Asia are (L-R): Demetrio Ignacio, Jr., Undersecretary, DENR; Aurelio “Gigi” Montinola III, Board Chairman, WWF-Philippines; Jeffrey Lim, President, SM Prime Holdings, Inc.; Vicente Perez, Chairman, WWF-Phils. NAC; Atty. Bong Villones, Secretary to the Mayor of Pasay City. Speaking during the recently concluded Switch Off ceremony of Earth Hour spearheaded by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) at the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City, Steven Tan, Senior Vice President of SM Supermalls, said SM for its part will continue to go beyond the one-hour light switch off by intensifying and strengthening its efforts to address climate change considering the impact it has on the communities all over the country. “We are now facing a climate crossroad and it’s up to us to make the right choice. A choice which transcends borders and generations. Let us go beyond the hour and find ways to continue to shine for climate action,” Tan said. Earth Hour is a global effort to raise awareness on environmental issues particularly climate change and its effects on people and Planet Earth. Through the years, SM made environmental management the core of its every development. SM Cares has likewise embarked on sustainable Read More …

Apr 042017
Don’t Be Greedy!

Chinkee Tan “Money, money money Must be funny In the rich man’s world” These are lyrics from the song from Abba. Who does not want to earn more money? There is nothing wrong with earning money. But I’ve seen many families and lives come to ruin not because they are not earning enough, but because they are actually earning so much that they have forgotten what it’s like to have a sense of family. Some are so driven to become successful and rich that they forget the reason why they are working, and who they are working for in the first place — their families. It’s important for all of us to understand when we’re already going overboard and beyond the healthy limit — It’s already too much when you need to pee so badly, but you still don’t want to go on a CR break. It’s already too much when you take your breakfast during lunch, and your lunch during dinner. It’s already too much when you mistake your wife for your client. It’s already too much when you start whispering your workmate’s name in your sleep. It’s already too much when one can actually compare you to a raisin and not a grape because of too much stress. It’s already too much when you actually forget what day it is today, and the birthdays of all your loved ones. As they say, we need to work in moderation. Anything that is in excess will never do us any Read More …

Apr 032017

Have plans for the Holy Week? For individual and corporate taxpayers with an accounting year ending Dec. 31, plans for this upcoming Lenten season should include the preparation of the annual income tax filing. Why? Because this year’s due date falls on April 17th (since April 15th falls on Black Saturday which is a holiday). The timing can be a hassle considering that it is right after the holidays.

Apr 022017

Ernst & Young (EY) recently conducted a Transfer Pricing Survey to determine how companies are addressing the Action Plans issued by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) under the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project. The survey involved respondents in 36 jurisdictions and across 17 industries. As a background, the BEPS project was initiated at the request of G20 countries to address issues arising from the use of old tax frameworks that do not match current practice of doing business across borders.

Apr 022017

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