Jan 062015

“YOU guessed it right! I’m Mulan!”

This was Cebuana actress Kim Chiu’s Instagram post after Disney Channel Asia released the official photos for the much-anticipated Disney Princesses 2015 calendar.

Kim added that she’s “thankful beyond words” for the international project.

Aside from Kim, Pop Princess Sarah Geronimo was tapped to play the role of Rapunzel. She also recorded her own version of “The Glow,” a Disney theme song that was released in 2011 to mark the addition of Rapunzel.

Other personalities from Southeast Asia who participated in the calendar are Sandra Dewi (Cinderella), Marsha Milan (Elsa), Gam (Maleficent), Proud (Ariel), Wawa (Belle), Best (Jasmine), Golf (Merida), Daiyan Trisha (Snow White), Fah (Tiana), Tori (Pocahontas). (Sunnex)

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