THE Social Security System (SSS), through the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC), has asked the Supreme Court (SC) to bar the National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP) from taking over a property in Pasay City.
NATIONAL GRID Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP) said it had created a “bypass line” that would allow Samar, Leyte and Bohol to receive power from Cebu after an earthquake on Thursday caused blackouts on the three islands.
POWER system operator National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP) will be building a new transmission backbone to carry added power capacity in Mindanao at a cost of P6.86 billion, details of the decision released by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) show.
PRIVATELY RUN National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) said it has exceeded the performance targets set by the Energy Regulatory Commission for a seventh straight year, judging by the way it cut the number of times its power lines tripped, among others.
THE NATIONAL Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) has doubled the capacity of its transmission facility in Ilocos to better accommodate the wind farms in the province.

MANILA, Philippines – The National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP), the country’s power grid operator, maintained that it is exempt from income tax but stressed that it dutifully pays its franchise taxes to the government. NGCP, a privately owned transmission company, said that its tax-exempt privilege is provided under Republic Act 9511, the law that granted NGCP a 50-year franchise to operate the grid. The grid operator made the clarification after the Department of Finance (DOF) published a Tax Watch print ad stating that only 39 of the top 100 corporations ranked by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the corporate regulator, landed on the Bureau of Internal Revenue’s (BIR) list of 500 top corporate/non-individual taxpayers. NGCP is in the SEC’s list of top 100 corporations, occupying the 25th spot, based on revenues. On the other hand, BIR’s list, which was based on income tax returns, did not include the grid operator. NGCP spokesperson Cynthia Perez-Alabanza said that the company pays franchise tax in lieu of income tax. “NGCP’s franchise granted through Republic Act 9511 mandates that it pay a franchise tax equivalent to three percent of all gross receipts, ‘in lieu of income tax and any and all taxes, duties, fees and charges of any kind, nature of description levied, established or collected by any local or national authority on its franchise, rights, privileges, receipts, revenues and profits, and on properties used in connection with its franchise,” she said. Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 Read More …

MANILA, Philippines – Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla has estimated that around P2 billion would be spent for the restoration of toppled power transmission and distribution lines in the Yolanda-stricken areas. “(We have) estimated P1.1 billion for transmission alone. (Our) estimate for distribution is about P800 million, or roughly a total of P2 billion. But we have not yet completed the computation,” he said. Petilla said they are also exploring ways on how to raise the funds to finance the restoration efforts. He said they are trying to find out if the National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP), the private concessionaire managing the country’s power transmission highways, can shoulder the rebuilding of the transmission lines. “I think NGCP’s insurance is 70:30 which means 70 percent of the cost it needs to recoup will be shouldered by them and the 30 percent would have to be passed on. But my goal is zero passed on,” the energy chief said, noting that NGCP may not need to seek approval from ERC for costs related to force majeure. Petilla said he would also seek leagl opinion on tapping the Malampaya fund for the rehab efforts. Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 According to the energy chief, state-run National Electrification Administration (NEA) has already set aside some P300 million to electric cooperatives affected by the super typhoon. “NEA has already shelled out P150 million to an electric cooperative in Leyte and there’s another P150 million released somewhere in Iloilo. Yes, Read More …

MANILA, Philippines – The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), the operator of the country’s power never transmission highway, said several transmission lines and other facilities are still undergoing restoration work. NGCP said the loss of power currently being experienced in various parts of the country may be caused by affected transmission facilities of either NGCP, the distribution utilities or electric cooperatives. “Necessary preparations and precautions have been implemented to minimize the impact of the storm on NGCP operation and facilities. These include ensuring the availability of hardware materials and supplies necessary for the repair of damages to facilities, as well as the positioning of line crews in strategic areas, to facilitate immediate restoration work,” the company said in an advisory yesterday. Restoration work will be in full swing as soon as the weather allows it, NGCP also said. According to its advisory, 14 transmission lines are still undergoing restoration works. These are: • Bacnotan-San Esteban 230-kv line Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 • Botolan-Candelaria 69-kv line • Botolan-Castillejos 69-kv line • Mexico-Cabanatuan 230kV line • Mexico-PELCO 69kV line • Mexico-SKK40 69kV line • Mexico-Clark 69kV line 1 • Mexico-Clark 69kV line 2 • Cabanatuan-Bongabon-Baler 69kV line • Cabanatuan-San Isidro 69kV line 1 • Cabanatuan- CELCOR/FCVC 69kV line • Cabanatuan-San Isidro 69kV line 2 • Cabanatuan-Pantabangan/MHEP 69kV line

MANILA, Philippines – The National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP) assured yesterday that some of its transmission line projects, including those being upgraded, are in the final stages of completion to address load growth in many areas around the country. NGCP President Henry T. Sy Jr. told the 34th Annual General Membership Meeting of Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives Association, Inc. (PHILRECA) at PICC yesterday that some critical transmission lines and upgrading projects are expected to be completed by end of 2013. Sy, in a speech read for him by his assistant Joseph Ferdinand M. Dechavez, said that NGCP is pursuing the implementation of projects like the Colon-Cebu 138-kV Transmission to mitigate the impact of line rental charges on customers in Bohol and Panay. “This will reinforce the Cebu backbone which is transmitting the 246 MW of CEDC Coal and the 200 MW of KSPC Coal Power Plants to electric cooperatives in Cebu and in Bohol,” adding that the Visayan Electric Company, BOHECO I, Mactan Enerzone Corporation, General Milling Corporation and the Waterfront Hotel and Casino would benefit from the project once completed in December 2013. In Mindanao, Sy said that the Balo-i-Villanueva-Maramag transmission project would also be finished in December, completing the Mindanao 230-kV transmission backbone which links northern and southern Mindanao. Also, Sy added, the second circuit of the Butuan-Placer 138-kV transmission project that would provide power supply to mining operations in northeastern Mindanao would soon be implemented. Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 More Read More …

MANILA, Philippines – The National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP), the operator of the country’s power transmission highway, has completed the P704-million Naga substation expansion project. The project involves the installation of one unit of 100-megavolt ampere transformer, nine 230 kilovolt and three 69-kv power circuit breakers and corresponding substation accessories. “The new installation will increase the substation’s existing capacity and add to its current 100 MVA transformer,” NGCP spokesperson Cynthia Alabanza said. By increasing the substation’s capacity, the facility will also be able to accommodate additional power supplies from generators, she added. NGCP said the Naga expansion forms part of the Luzon Substation Project 1, which will reinforce the capacity of the substations in Bantay, Bauang, Cabanatuan, Cruz na Daan, Laoag and Binan. NGCP has been expanding its facilities, including substations, as part of its compliance to the N-1 or single-outage contingency, a requirement of the Philippine Grid Code. Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 This Philippine Grid Code requirement refers to the ability of the grid to withstand the loss of a major system component with minimal disruption to the grid, NGCP said. The project will address the N-1 requirement for the Naga substation, which caters to the power requirements of the region. “The Bicol region has been steadily increasing its power demand, partly due to its development as an ecotourism destination. In response to that, NGCP saw the need to reinforce its transmission facilities to accommodate both supply and demand growth. Naga substation’s Read More …