Mar 172015

Former Special Action Force (SAF) commander Director Getulio Napeñas Jr. will submit the secretly taken video of terrorists Zulkifli Bin Hir alias Marwan and Basit Usman to the Ombudsman to prove that,Operation Plan Exodus was not a suicide mission.

“I was forced only to reveal this kind of video to show — although we are happy with the BOI (Board of Inquiry) report — na hindi lahat ng conclusions nila tama,” Atty. Vitaliano Aguirre, Napeñas’ lawyer, told GMA News TV program “QRT” on Tuesday.


The dismissed SAF commander will be attending a clarificatory hearing at the Ombudsman on Wednesday.

Aguirre had released the video taken by a civilian informant, which shows Marwan, Usman, and a third terrorist, Amin Baco, meeting in Marwan’s hut in Mamasapano, Maguindanao. 

The Philippine National Police BOI had earlier concluded that the SAF operation to arrest the terrorists was “defective from the very beginning”, resulting in the death of 44 police officers. 

Meanwhile, the Philippine National Police has criticized the release of the video.

“Hindi ko lang matiyak at this point, ito bang mga video na ito part of an intelligence operation na masasabi nating property of the Philippine National Police? Kung ganoon ang circumstance, I would say may violation,”,PNP spokesperson Chief Supt. Generoso Cerbo.

Aguirre said he did not know if the PNP  owned the video. Kathryn Mae P. Tubadeza/DVM, GMA

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