Chinkee Tan In your place of business or work, you cannot avoid people who are USERS. They text you whenever they need something from you, and when you don’t reply they make you feel guilty and bad. But whenever you need something from them, they ignore you. They don’t even have the courtesy to reply. They will try to manipulate you and make you feel bad until you succumb to their evil tactics just to get what they want. And after they’ve already gotten what they want — they dump you like a hot potato. They’re back to their old selves. They won’t even say thank you. The won’t text you again for a long time. All they want is to just suck the life out of you. Now, they’re on to their next victim that they will prey on and use. They’re a living proof that vampires do exist in this modern world! It’s painful whenever you encounter these types of people, especially when they are in power, or they are your closest friends and relatives. Sometimes you really have no choice but to say yes to them. If you’ve been through this lately let me tell you, in reality, you have a choice! CHOOSE TO PROTECT YOURSELF You have a choice to protect yourself and not be used by these types of people. These user-friendly people (people who are only friendly to you if they want to use you!) do not deserve your time and attention. CHOOSE THE Read More …